View Profile Milanous
Hi I'm Adam. Part time Film Maker, Full Time Anime Lover.

Age 36, Male


Northampton University

Northampton England

Joined on 3/4/08

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Milanous's News

Posted by Milanous - July 19th, 2009

Well first i would like to Congradulate my friend Segaplaya on his latest submission. It won a daily Fifth place. I would also like to thank him for the amount he allowed me to contribute to his collab, Nothing.

Rise of the Brotherhood Part 4 is currently on hold, because two VO's have yet to submit there lines i shall not reveal any names. You know who you are!!!!
Production is coming along well i am working with a new dude Akito. He is lending me some of his sprites and also contributing with new sprites and indeed artwork.

I have realised that The brotherhood angle can not be rushed instead i have decided to break it down into two story arcs, RIse of the Brotherhood and Age of the Brotherhood. I am so uncreative aren't I lol.

I am currently trying to get Takahata101, to voice A character who shall not be named atm. if you know who he is well done and yes i am trying for THAT voice but don't hold out too much hope he stopped returning my messages lol As have alot of guys tbh, did i do something to offend people lol.

Anyway trying to get it done maybe in time for an August release.


Posted by Milanous - July 3rd, 2009

Thats right Tourney on the up and I shall join. I shall come dressed as Milanous so look for the bandana and Skull shirt.

Posted by Milanous - June 19th, 2009

Okay So we know about The Rise of the Brotherhood part 4 is on the way. But after that i am pretty low on Ideas. I know Knuckles is going to be introduced down the line but what characters would you like to see in the future.

Mecha Sonic was my first choice but Alvin Earthworms Prime Villain is Mecha Sonic and I dunno how i could do him right without Doing something we've all seen before in Super Mario Bros Z.
Overrall the Feedback has been positive and you don't seem to think the story is getting stale, which is a Very good thing. I want to introduce new villans tot he story some we've seen before some from my own imagination. Expect more Origins to be revealed such as Chaotix and the Freedom Fighters.

Tell me what you want to see, leave comments i can't continue the story if you don't give me some ideas. I do listen.


Posted by Milanous - June 4th, 2009

Hard to believe isn't it but my little flash series has lasted a whole year and is still going strong, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me throughout the series so far, College is almost over for me this year which means i'll have loads of time to focus on Getting Rise of the Brotherhood part 4 done.

I am definatly enjoying making this and hopefully with a bit of luck and some hard work will be able to finally put that daily trophy into my cabinet. I am looking to bring knuckles in later as well as introduce Chaotix, what with Mighty being thrown into it already, it's only a matter of time isn't it.

Rise of the Brotherhood synopsis (No spoilers)
With Sonic hunting doctor Eggman, Eggman has fled to the mainlands of Emerald Hill, The Desert Dweller has delivered the plans from Proffessor Prower, the pans needed to complete his two greatest project "The Brotherhood Project" and the Stratagem Project. Soon Sonic meets a local a two Tailed fox with the ability to fly, A whizz for science, an ego to match and large sarcastic personality to boot. With the threat of this new army known only as "The Brotherhood" Sonci and Tails must combine there talents to overcome The Brotherhood in a war that will change everyones lives forever.

Sonic The Hedgehog
The fastest thing alive and the first born of King Jules of South Island. Sonic can move at high speeds as well as fight. Sonic absorbed positive chaos energy from the Chaos Reactor which gave him abilities. Sonic used to be selfish but after he realised his responsibilities he began to think of others rather than himself.
Introduced in: Sonic Origins
Voiced by: BlazingGamer

The lone two tailed fox and a sneaky little egotistical sarcastic brat as well. Tails has had to fend for himself since Eggman took over his village which has left him with a "survival of the fittest" attitude. though he does care for others as displayed when he insists Sonic save his people from slavery. Tails is an accomplished engineer but his past remains a mystery.
Introduced in: Rise of the Brotherhood
Voiced by: Voice Girl

Knuckles the echidna
The ever so lovable hot headed teenaged Guardian of angel island. Knuckles is gullible, easy to anger and not very good with socialising what with him raising himself alone on angel island.
Will be introduced in: Sonic Legends
Voiced by: PsyGuy

Amy Rose
The former promised wife to Sonic. Amy is energetic and bubbly and although Sonic sees her as a friend, he finds it difficult to see her as anything else. She has a crush on Sonic and Ashura as both share the same brave, Passionate personalities that she is drawn too.
Introduced in: Sonic Origins
Voiced By: Rina Chan

Ashura The hedgehog
Sonic younger Brother. The wiser, more sefless second son of King Jules. Ashura is unusually intelligent and has the ability of Psychokinesis which allows him such abilities as energy attacks and the ability to move objects with his mind. Ashura secretly is envious of Sonic for recieving the royal treatment just because he is one year older than him, even though Ashura is more suited to take his brothers duties. he also has a crush on Amy Rose, which Sonic has known about since he was 5.
Introduced in: Sonic Origins
Voiced by: Viremaster

Sheathe Dirklem
a hedgehog with a family history that goes back many years. Sheathe told Sonic of other worlds and followed him when he noticed the desert Dweller doing so, he eventually aided Sonic in his battles but chose instead to hunt the desert Dweller instead of Dr Eggman with his friend Sonic.
Voiced by: SegaPlaya

King Jules
Sonic and Ashuras dad and current king of south island and the hedgehog race. Sonics father is very old fashioned in his beliefs and it often comes into play when making the right descion. Not much is known about Jules other than he is still very skilled as a swordsman even in his old age. Wielding the sword of Sonikku the brave.
Voiced by Milanous


Dr. Eggman
The evil scientist who's dark nature was born from negative chaos energy when he chaos reactor overloaded. Eggman is highly intelligent and resourceful.
Introduced in: Sonic Origins
Voiced by: Viremaster

The ultimate lifeform with a grudge against anything that moves. Shadows heart is tainted by war and the promise of war. Bred for battle the ultimate lifeform was meant to be the ultimate solider but after his emotions began to make him question his orders the project was scrapped and Shadow was kept in suspended animation. Shadow believes himself superior and can't imagine anyone with the powers to beat him taking it very personally when someone does.
Voiced by: Viremaster

The Desert Dweller
the mysterious purple cloaked "warrior of the Desert" started to "play a game" with Sonic when he attacked the Chaos Reactor. His ambitions are unknown and he allegiance is ambigous and he often refers to what he is doing as his "game"
Introduced in: sonic Origins
Voiced by Steven Nathaniels

Metallix Prime
Leader of the Brotherhood of Metallix. Metallix Prime is alot stornger than his bretheren and has a red sheen armour as a symbol of his leadership. He is programmed with emotions although all emotions such as mercy and compassion have been removed to make him a much more deadly killing machine. Metallix Prime believes the brotherhood are superior to all lifeforms and any lifeform unlike there own must die.
Voiced by Milanous

The Brotherhood
The Brotherhood number in thousands and are Eggmans new personal army of Metallix (Metal Sonic mk x) They are mass produced and are extremely deadly.
Voiced by Viremaster

Minor Characters

Tails school mate and the strong man. Mighty recently read a newspaper add concerning a certain "team" of detectives looking for a new employee.

Just your everyday Nerd, with a love for Cosplay, video games and Anime. Kitsuni has been Tails' friend for many years.

An as of yet unnamed character dressed in black


The absent minded Crocodile and leader of Team Chaotix with a degree in Psychology Express delivery from Dr Eggmans Website Egg-Bay. Vector is a skilled Detective though his methods are at best very odd and more bluntly put complete Crazy! Though he has alot of trouble finding the computer room, for some reason.
Voiced By: ..........

The tough minded Espio at first glance he seems like a no fun, loner, workaholic who is totally unlikable but once you get to know him then you realise your first immpressions were right on the mark. Espio is usually the butt of his companions pranks.
Voiced by:

The Light hearted Bee with a love of honey and spring, Charmy is actually the son of a Queen Bee making him a prince though he will never tell the guys.
Voiced by VoiceGirl

Posted by Milanous - May 15th, 2009

Well I'm going into Voice acting and hopefully will get around to making a voice demo which will include all my Robotic voices as well as my regular ones. If i can ever get around to finding the right soundtracks and finding the right lines, god it is so much easier when it's off a script.

If anyone is interested in hiring me I would be more than willing to help out.

Voice acting Resume
Oblivia Fantasy - Lee
Dimensional Chaos - King of Zhen, Mario
Sonic Beginnings - Chaos, Omega
Ashura The Hedgehog - Ashura, Mecha Sonic

My own Work (Doesn't count in my view)
Sonic Origins - King Jules, Beta
Rise of the Brotherhood - Beta, Zeta, King Jules, Metallix Prime.

All lines are generally recorded proffessionally. Here is a link to myspace where there are a few pics of me doing the voice work
Milanous Recording his lines

Welcome new Voice actor
Update on Voice Actors. Originally I had planned to Have MetalShadowOverlord Play Knuckles, in the upcoming Sonic Legends, but after attempting to make the voice fit i just couldn't do it and i will be assigning him to a different role because although he doesn't fit his current role i am sure I will find just as equal role in the near future.

However negative aside I am pleased to welcome a new Voice Actor to the team.

PsyGuy who we all know as Ronaldo Of "The Super Freaking Parody Rangers" fame By Kirbopher. Has agreed to play Knuckles in Sonic Legends. I welcome PsyGuy and Apologise to MetalShadowOverlord Because i never like having to change the cast and it wasn't an easy descion to make.


Posted by Milanous - April 17th, 2009

Yes despite everything I am already getting part 4 under way the script is ready and the flash scenes are under production in advance, I've already got one scene done as far as i can until people get there lines in.

Secondly i would like to welcome 2 new members to the cast.

Lightning speed devil who will be playing Sonics ancestor Sonikku in a flash back and Worm34 who will be playing the mysterious Nero.

Ok getting back to my flash work

Cya round


Posted by Milanous - March 31st, 2009

I know i messed up the subs

But apart from that what did i do wrong?! What was so different from parts 1 and 2 that people ripped into this like it was trash? Is it trash?

I have words for people who vote 0 but don't review it "coward" i respect peoples oppinions if you don't like it tell me why! If you think it needs serious improvement let me know i respect people who leave negative reviews as long as there with intent to help me improve/ I don't respect "Fuck you this is shit!"
But even that would have got more respect than people who do nothing.

WHat have i done so differently huh? People speak of predicatblilty and Cliche Yet there words are deaf to reasoning they refuse to elaberate, You only get one review make it count.

This got such a bad review it is the lowest of all my flashes lower than Sonic origins part 1 and that has more bugs than pixels so many infact i was going to remake it to give it justice.

The people who voted this down should be forced to be put on the sex offenders list because I've been quite clearly "arse raped!"

If you want updates, Info or even just wanna say hi drop me a PM I generally reply to all of them.

For Advanced notification of release dates of my flash animations Please add me to your favourite Artists list.

Posted by Milanous - March 31st, 2009

well my streak is over. rise of the brotherhood part 3 has had an overwhelmingly negative review. I am both Disapointed and ashamed by it especially after all thw trouble i had getting it here.

Now i would have continued with Part 4 right away had it have been positive but after the negative Vile from team Retard (If you reviewed positively or constuctively then you are not one of them) I am thinking of hanging up my flash bandana forever and saying fuck it.

The main problem is holding my head high to everyone who put there faith in me to put there names on this project such as voicegirl and Rina Chan.

I worked hard so to see it get ripped to shreds has hurt more than a bullet in my foot.

Not to mention the amount of stress i put myself under.

In the end i think i am reaching the point when i actually care about it. I need to regroup the series might becoming a bit stale.
So i don't know what to do.

LEt me get a few things out of the way.
I'm DISLEXIC!!! That i even got most of the words spelt right is a miracle.

2) Ashura could Levitate using his telekinesis and Metallix Prime has an engine! Thats why they both can fly

3) I heavily based Metallix movement on his movie counterpart (Watch in Japanese then it's bareable)

4)The Subs are not perfectly alligned yes but you try and get subs added in perfectly after you've done the camera.

5) Fuck everyone who gave me negative destructive reviews i respect Negative reviews as long as there constuctive reviews but some people just blew me away i was fresh off the stress line with a blood pressure to match Jack black on speed and you don't know what i had to go through to get it, do everyone a favour find a pencil on that cheeto infested thing you call a desk, sharpen it till it's really pointy and shove it up your nose

Consider the series on hold until i can get my head together

FInal thoughts
You see this is how it usually works, I work my ass off and deplete all my passion till i am a twitchy mess then i post it and then all the people give good feedback which refills this passion metre and enthusiastically i continue hense why i said as long as there are fans there will be more series.
I had a whole series planned as it stands no i might not even go beyond rise of the brotherhood which will elave an awful lot of questions unanswered


Posted by Milanous - March 30th, 2009

Go check it out! It's finally out

Took forever and there were times i thought it'd never get here but finally it has.

Remember to leave your thoughts in the review page



Posted by Milanous - March 30th, 2009

Ok following Yesterdays altercation i had to delay the flash to today but today it will be released and i hope it's as epic as people wanted it to be.

It's been a hell of a ride and it's not over yet not by a long shot.

I am dedicating this one to everyone, who has followed me and everyone who cried out to have the file limit extended if you put your name on there consider this for YOU!

If your a follower of the series then also consider it for you, because without your support i feel the pressure might have got to me long ago. But it's all worth it in the end.

So I'm going to go get it ready