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Hi I'm Adam. Part time Film Maker, Full Time Anime Lover.

Age 36, Male


Northampton University

Northampton England

Joined on 3/4/08

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Haven't you heard of the Sonic Cycle?
You guys'll never learn...

I have and i do actually talk about that people shouldn't get too excited

Honestly, Ive played the original sonic game, its good, but honestly people hate anything sonic that isnt the OLD side scroller, games have advanced. I loved Shadow, and sonic heroes. Some of you may hate me for saying this, but Sonic Heroes Was Better Than The First Sonic Game. YES I SAID IT. So many haters of anything sonic that isnt that CLASSIC OUTDATED SIDESCROLLER. Those are Fun, But You Guys Gotta Stop Being Little Jerks. It just annoys me alot that People Are Like This. Sonic 4 Sounds Very Good. Thank you for releasing the new, I cant wait to play it. Who Knows, it may be in 3D ;]

Sonic has blue balls SHADOW FTW!!!

LOL!!! That video is hilarous you should be a comdeian lol. WOw a sonic 4, lets hope Sega doesnt fuck this one up, cause if it does, well fuck their gonan be out of business.

I can't wait till the game is released too. But I have to disagree with you. Yes as you may have understanded I'm a fan of the "new" Sonic characters, my favorite is Shadow. What I wanted to tell you is that in my opinion Sonic 4 alone won't be enough to put Sonic games back at the gaming mainstream. Sonic didn't succeed in doing so cause he failed to adapt in the whole 3D bussines unlike Mario. So it will take much more than that to put him back. I also disagree with the whole no storyline thingy, cause to me playing something without a porpuse, mainly given by a story line, is not as satisfactionary and fullfilling. That's why my favorite Sonic games are Sonic Adventure 2: Battle and Sonic 2006.

The story saved alot of them and yes Shadow was likable in Sonic adventure but after awhile i just feel like slapping him. He's well....and asshole. Unlikable maybe it's because i know someone like him.
Apart from Sonic 06 promoting beastiality to kids, its story is sound.
Sonic adventure 2 when i was a kid actually really hit a soft spot when shadow died.

Hmmm I dont like the look so far, I mean yes I am glad seeing something like the good old days but really should they be thinking about the future instead of the past? Sonic recently has ahd bad games some are good, some are bad its all a matter of opinion if you ask me, I liked them but really tryin to re-create this is going to be a challenege I think because are people really going to be wanting this all the time, or try something different or improve there last game

Sonic 06 was bad but it had good things, I reckon if they spent a few more months working on it it would of been great, Unleashed wasn't to bad but the wolf thing was the most stupidest thing ever.

I am looking forward to this but if it is just going to look like the same old days I will have douts because I really wanna see something new not just a re-creation.

I got a raging erection from the official site... but then I remembered I got that same raging erection when I got a glimpse at Sonic Unleashed...

It's ok to be skeptical... Sonic Team just blows ass.

The only decent sonic games were made with the help of a company called Dimps...

they were also the ones who ported sonic unleash to ps2 and wii and just look at any game site and you'll see a startling difference in rating between the PS3/360 version and the PS2/Wii version.

YES!!! This going to be so sweet. Part 1 better be decent in length, not like 2 levels. I grew up with Sonic 2, so this is like the best thing I could ever asked for! I never played Sonic 06, but like hell if I ever will. I'll have to disagree with you though on Sonic Heroes, despite the slippy controls, TEAM ROSE, and the completely uneeded return of Shadow I had a good deal of fun with that game. Other than that, I pretty much hated every game you meitioned. I wonder how they'll continue the story in 4 with just Sonic, eh, knowing Sega they'll have voice acted cutscene in between the levels. I just like the atmostphere of the levels, especially in S & K, I love to look at Hidden Palace zone .

the only characters i think who shoulfnt exist is the whiny princess and pipshit chip lol anyway thanks for the link

wow i saw the vid finnaly i played the old classic sonice ones saw vids of it and i liked it finnaly classic sonic game in a new jacket hopefully your able to go super and hyper in it while running and stuff and not in the FREAKIN DUMB FINAL LEVEL
like in sonic advance which really sucked that you only be super sonic in freakin space

Yeah you should totally review. I mean, you make videos better than the Sonic Team makes actual games.

hopefully it will be as challenging as the classics.

i hope flying battery zone will makw a re appearence i looove the music for it!

well techecally. amy could be in it she apppeared in 1992 in sonic cd also metal sonic so they could be in it. sooooo i kinda hope metal is in it.