View Profile Milanous
Hi I'm Adam. Part time Film Maker, Full Time Anime Lover.

Age 36, Male


Northampton University

Northampton England

Joined on 3/4/08

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Sweet The season Finale wiht a moviecant wait. That was bullshit for guys treating Age of the brotherhood like crap. Sorry you couldnt get daily first =(. Good luck on future episodes!

People are entitled to their oppinion it's all cool. I still got the next one.

Me and my friends can't wait to leave reviews on it!

Look i know you don't like the series. that's fine I don't mind you have the right to not like me, you don't have to like me.

That's all i ask I'll stay away from you. Just top trying to taunt me with all this hate.

I'm here to have fun as well as maybe entertain a few people and i'm happy to do that. I have fun making my series.
Why ruin it, unless your just trying to be an asshole and i'm sure that's not what you are trying to be,

so lets be grown up about this and say you don't like the series and thats kl but you don't have to go on some crusade, because it's not gonna work.

I've never done anything to you so please just stop.

So what do you say....huh? shall we just shake hands and go our own seperate ways?


Nice man. ^^ Looking forward to be some help with the future movie. ^^
Though I must say, you DID announce it wee-bit early. xD (Then again, did you have any choice? You were forced to make a comeback after such a fall like the day before yesterday.)

But it's all cool man, you just had a bad day yesterday. Don't let the haters get to ya. =3

So all in all, hope you have better luck with episode 2 of Age. =3 I'd hate to see something like this happen again. Dx

God. You wanna know something? Grow up. the reason why you're getting "hate" and I say that in quotes because its peoples opinions not "hate" People are entitled to hate your shit. Let me start with your "sonic brotherhood" sprite movie of ACTION AND FUN! Maybe if you didnt take the whole Sonic Brother faggotry like a fucking 12 year old with an overactive imagination would do. Your no better then the Handful of asspie autistics that submit Faggy sonic battle sprite garbage daily on this site. Maybe draw your sprites? I know this might be harder than pouring a bowl of cereal but you gotta start some where. After all is said and done I dont have to watch your garbege to know it sucks, I just have to read your description.

"wow I'M being told to grow up"

Great so you don't even WATCH my series. Well that totally Nullifies anything YOU have to say.

Secondly i AM autistic. and i take great offense to that.

Thirdly all of that IS hate. Everyone read that and tell me that this isn't shoved down your face in a "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" motif

Fourthy critism is seeing a flash online you don't like, hate is seeking out that guy when he hasn't targeted you for no reason to try and make his life a living hell.

fifthy I SAID HE'S ENTITLED TO HIS OPPINION!!!!! Just stop throwing it in my face, stay the fuck away from me if you don't like me. It only takes a bit of common sense.

"Oh I hate this guy what will i do, i'll keep hanging around his newspage"

That's like if you stick your a hand in a fire "OW That hurt! I'll do it again! OW!"

Even the mentally ill aren't THAT Stupid!!!!

Sixth I saw Picos career day and it seemed pretty cool. No reason to tell you it's okay.

Seventh: I don't hate you guy. It takes alot for me to hate someone and this is not one of them. You made fun of autistic people, you called me a faggot. You accused me of being barely able to pour a bowl of cereal (For some reason)

And finally let me be. It's all i ask. I appreciate where your coming from people who do sprite movies usually do suck and drawing is superior. You'll never see a tv show with sprites. But all i ask is to leave me alone.



Dude, don't listen to the haters. You've actually got something pretty damn good going on here. I'm talking good to the point where after seeing Age 1 I went back and watched the entire thing from Origins 1.

As for the ass clowns who are giving ya crap...don't listen to them. They're just following John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory:

Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what happened in the intervening 6 months between the end of Rise and Age...keep up the great work!

Sounds very interesting, just best of luck with everything and I cant wait to see some new stuff from you. Also Age of the Brotherhood was awesome :)

People should learn how hard it is to produce flashes that have sequels. Sprites are just as difficult or more difficult than pure drawing. Their excuse for downgrading your flash are a disgrace Immature users . Your flashes dont deserve the amount of respect they should receive. My best advice is to not downgrade yourself by arguing with those immature kids and ignore them and move on. I know the fact that it wont be everyones cup of tea. But downgrading just because of their hatred of the work and not to admire the effort or determination people put into the work is basically very stupid.

They dont even give you any tips on improving the sequels because basically they just have damn hatred which pretty underlines their lack of intelligence in that matter

i like your newest sprite flash, everything is good except theres a bit too much of emotions in it but its good overal a big TEN and by the way i'm autistic too XP
just needed to say it but you're a great flash movie creator keep it going

and i agree with Milanous about ChainsawDentist's comment and i also take it as an offense against autistic people like me, since I AM autistic i personally think your leaving a comment that shouldnt be here spitting all kinds of fucking bullcrap

I just watched it and I thought age was quite good, and other people agree because the reviews have gon up from 5 to 8. You just needed to give it abit more time for people who actually enjoy your work to give good comments than all the haters out there who seem to complain about the little stupid things.

Wonderfull serie, make more please, i cant wait for vote 6

an awsom series man. though the first of the age chapter did have its problems, its still one of the best sprite flashes out right now. oh, and since i know everyones thinking it im gonna say it, chainsaw dentist, stop being a total jackass.

Oh, c'mon, I can't believe there are people who actually dislike all your work!?
Man, what you have here is great. Very very very great.
I actually left a private message for you, saying how great everything is, and asking for a chance to participate,
so, I'll just stop here.

Please know that there are more people who understand and worship your work than haters (who, btw, probably should just watch whatever they like and leave you alone, for that matter...)

Don't get discouraged! Haters sting and make more impression than good comments, but you can't please all. But those you please are literally BEGGING for you to go on! (I am, at least xD)


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow people hating on a flash! That's new. But seriously man, haters gonna hate, bitches gonna bitch, and losers gonna lose so whatcha gonna do? I personally think you are doing a great job with your animation and submissions but like always there are those people who think "Oh wow look some fag is using sprites for a animation he's a talentless hack who just sumbit garbage." I say bull shit! A lot of people do submit kinda bad animatable stuff, but as always most do submit them for the fun of doing it. All I'm trying to say is keep strong, ignore fags who don't know when to stay away if they already hated the first part, learn to calm yourself more, and endure.

From: Demonix (Ixion) Genesis Shade of sir Camalama Rumplepin, in the taco stand on the moon near Arcadia