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Hi I'm Adam. Part time Film Maker, Full Time Anime Lover.

Age 36, Male


Northampton University

Northampton England

Joined on 3/4/08

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Who's the shuddering autistic in the video?

Super sonic holocaust! Gotta keep your plot really super serious!

Well if everyone says the new scrippt is a lot better thne it just makes people want to see it now haha.

OK, that was a good update. It's good how you tell your watchers what's going to happen and when it will, how long you have until the next release, the reason for this-and-that. That's good, very good, BUT... I don't think you should have revealed so much about the Age arc when you talked about the five episodes. xD
Now people will go anticipating what your next move will be. xD
But all-in-all it was a good update. Keep it up mate, we're close to the second release. ;D

Great job on showing us your update. A lil tiring but atleast we know you're okay!

I like what your pitching there at the end, your right about the blurry close-ups on Sprites sometimes, so that sounds great :) I look forward to it, and you know we care because we listened to you speaking for 13 minutes haha. I can't wait to see this new script everyone thinks is so amazing, make sure to message us when it comes out (or it may be on the front page *crosses fingers* ) x

I like the idea of adding flash animation, but with that said I also feel like you shouldn't have to ask to add something new. (maybe that is just me?) Me personally I love the story you have come up with so far, and any idea you have that you feel would make the telling and showing of your story better, I am all for!

I mean heck when I look at Sonic Origins Part 1 to where things are now in Age of the Brotherhood, all I can see is, how much it gets better and not just in the story, but the animation, sound, and big time with everyone doing the voice acting.

Way I see it, you feel that getting the next part out is gonna take time or needs work, or anything, I say go for it! I would like to think all your fans will be right here waiting and ready for when the day comes, but while I can't talk for other I can only talk for myself.

That said, all I can say is, as long as you keep dreaming up these good stories I will so be there to look at them both old and new!

<.< Like always keep up the good work to both you and the rest of the crew!

you've got a good thing goin yo!! remember, quality counts, details matter, crisp,clean voice tracks are key to keeping one's attention,blah blah blah blah blah, you know the biz.....good luck and break a leg dude! looking forward to the brotherhood story picking back up.

Hmm... I'll need to see you animate first to decide, but hey, nice to know ur not dead or anything :)

Well, judging from the comments, you have at least 10 fans!

Sorry I'm l8 :P...Thank you for the update I am glad to hear it as other Newgrounds users should be as well. I look forward to the next installment but, I would say don't rush yourself, aside from the Sonic AOB series people should also understand that along with your animation talents, you also have 'A Life' so it's well and find if you take your time. As a matter of fact, If you take your time I am very sure you'll come out with a much better product than if you would've rushed it out there. I'm sure you know Alvin-Earthworm and his SMBZ series, it was 1 year and 5 months between the time he released his sixth episode in 2007 and his 7th in 2008! The two episodes have major differences in improvement in them, same thing with episodes 7 and 8! So I am willing to be patient and I think everyone else should be! The series has been excellent so far. Honestly I saw the series, starting from "Sonic Origins" for the first time this past December and I think it is a potential phenomenon, but ther's room for improvement so, take your time on it. Good Luck! ;+)

wanna be friends

For your idea there at the end, do you mean doing like Kirbopher did for his TTA series before he did the parodies?

To my discredit i haven't watched TTA so i don't know exactly what you mean
(never wanted to grow attached to a story that never finished)