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Resident Evil 5: My review

Posted by Milanous - March 25th, 2009

Jebus Crust i feel fucking cheated my overly ambitious attitude to the Resident Evil genre has just been drained away like someone pulling a plug on a bath.
I decided to take five days to myself while leaving My Rise of the brotherhood flash on hold until Rina feels better......Or i could be bothered! Now i wish i had spent my time making that flash, or making someone elses flash or braiding my hair or getting a coke problem or anything than forking out my hard earned money on Resi 5.
Now i like resident evil, it was repetitive but competant something i'd play for maybe an hour or so before doing something else, it was scary and atmospheric as a horror game should be not absolutly sitting on my shelf at this point, but ok. but then came along Resident Evil 4, AND I LOVED IT!!!

Resident evil 4 broke the mold of previous resident evil, games by including actual decent combat mechanics, A different enemy other than retardly slow zombies.
Now there were a few nit picks but i shant go over them, with resident evil 4 because i could easily jjust talk about them in resident evil 5 considering they didn't change a bloody thing!!!!!

the game starts with a village of infected running at you and as a hord of them break down the window you are rushed with a series of emotions all eventually overpowered by one wranky stench of realisation, This IS JUST RESI 4!!!! I waited 3 years for the same game!!!!!

Alright, Spaniards are now Africans, Leon is now Chris, Saddler is now Wesker and there are no annoying sqeaky voiced napoleon Midgets, Only a annoying sqeeky voiced Scientist.
Capcom seem to be running low on ideas,
i even felt my eye twitch with utter Disgust when i saw a.....wait for it, Chainsaw weilding enemy with a fucking Potato sack mask on there head. (I WISH I WAS KIDDING)

there are SOME new features, although there might as well NOT be. They make me feel sick just thinking about them, so lets get the most obvious nit-pick fest out of the way, your sidkick.

Now in resi 4 Ashley was a big pain in the arse, but this testostorone fueled bitch is even worse she honestly TRIES to help and "tries" being the most prominant word, she has a habit of shooting at enemies i'm aiming at instead of picking off the ones behind us and she has a bigger habit of shooting me, while she's trying to shoot them, instead of moving to one side to get a good shot, she will insepantly unload an entire clip into your back.

She also has a habit of lacking plain basic, good to honest common sense, i gave her the machine gun while i weilded the Pistol and later shotgun but even when she had enough ammo for the thing to shame the US military she kept using her pistol leaving no ammo for me!

And when she ran out of her pistol ammo instead of doing what she should have done in the first place, which is pulling the machine gun out and using that, she ran around getting more ammo for the pistol, before i could leaving me banging my head off the controller in frustration, that when i decided i had, had enough and turned round and unloaded, 5 round of buckshot between her eyes, i didn't care about losing after enduring 3 hours of the above I just needed to releave some tension, this was when i discovered you can't even kill her....."FUCK!!!"

Now the next problem i have is the inventory system, now, i feel Capcom have done what they always do, take something that doesn't need changing, change it anyway because they can't be bothered to be original and completly fuck it up.

The inventory is really annoying, in this game. In resi 4 it was suitcase you could buy upgrades for, too increase size it was decent enough. However, in this game it's alot smaller and you have to also manage your sidekicks inventory, too with only nine spaces each and the logic of it is screwed!!!!!

How the fuck does an Egg require the same fucking space as an AK-47 Auto Machine rifle, Oh and your armour requires a space that's got to be the BIGGEST Dick move in this game. Having to store, what usually is made to store things.

It never actually explains very well what the armour does when your buying it, guess those pricks at Capcom expect you to fill int hat blank for yourself so i believed that it would increase life, endurance and possibly add a few pockets to this tiny inventory system but no it actually takes up a space. There goes my eye twitching again. excuse me while i grab my controller to bang my head off it.

Ok i feel much better now
Now onto the next thing that brings my piss to a boil! The atomosphere, now resident evil although action based has always been one for atmosphere, Even in 4 when the action was dominant it still had an environment that would make you on the edge of your seat. the dark wooded areas of brown coloured village were truly atmospheric to the idea of it Being a HORROR game like it says it was.

Resient evil 5 has none of this, the main problem being it's set in Sunny Africa during the middle of the day most of the time the Tension that could be cut with a knife is out the window in favour of more exploding heads.

So most of the time, it's an action game with a few horror elements implimented which is NOT resident evil.
LEt's wrap this up. If your a fan like i am you may feel cheated like i have, the game is competant and safe it breaks no real grounds, of development.
To be honest it is a good game for a game, but as a resident evil game it falls on it's arse so all you non fans will have loads of fun as for you fanboys.
It is truly fun enough to overlook all the nit picks i've made.

Despite being angry at it for not living up it's title i enjoyed the game as a aspectacle i loved resident evil 4, so in a way, i love resident evil 5. But in the end it doesn't feel like a sequel more an upgrade not worth 3 years for.

But still Weskers in it and he has always been the most brilliant villain ever Even if Capcom have shot themselves in the foot by introducing him with him blantly ripping off Neo from the matrix.

Buy it if you want but don't blame me when the set pieces begin to repeat themselves.



But but but Wesker is amazing now thanks to his new Matrix moves, Capcom should get bazillion of awards : p

Sounds like a superb game from how you've put it.. Ill start playing it soon :)

Plz review more games :D

see how well the feedback is on this one first, before i decide on if i shall continue.