Well 2010 has hit us and with a new year begins Age of the Brotherhood. I have actually made alot of progress and the script and fight sceens are completed. It wont take long now to get be ready.
In this new year I am proud to announce me and BlazinGamer have been talking and due to fan requests we have decided that starting from Age of th Brotherhood he will be stepping down as the voice of Sonic to be replaced by SonicKing. A Sonic fanatic voice actor with a talent for Sonic voices.
BlazingGamer has indeed agreed it is best and has even showed his excitement at the new talent.
"He's PERFECT! He'll be a great addition to the team and as Sonic!" ~BlazingGamer
It is no secret alot of people didn't like BlazingGamer as Sonic. But BlazingGamer was there at the beginning. He was there when all it was, was a nothing sprite series with no awards to it's name and in the name of humbleness it still is, but it has won two trophies. So I'd like to thank him as the voice of Sonic. Thank you BlazingGamer.
I look forward to hearing the new Sonic in Age of the Brotherhood
And BlazingGamer, if you're reading this, it was fun working with you. best of luck on your future endeavors.