God I am pissed at this one. I was about to finish up the last of the flash and release it after Summer Of Sonic. Well guess what. My PC harddrive has officially crashed. I couldn't be more serious if i tried. How mad am I well take the anger I feel every time I see that poor kid open that Xbox box, to find out his sick fuck of a parents have punked him, potentially forever scarring him for there own twisted perverted humour, that goes against every parents maternal instincts, times that by 100 and you got my frustration for this.
The hard drive is messed up and I can't even record a Vlog to show you in person I have to go back to these stupid text updates! My PC is messed up, my backup is corrupted, the damage has not been verified. The potential for recovery not clarified. It's a mess. So all I can do is shod out the last of my dosh to get the files recovered.
If it isn't recovered I'll do everything I can to get my stuff together and do this. I will nto abandon the series. Scratch that I won't abandon you.
But how am I going to try and fill the time.
Well I got other projects in the works. I've always wanted to go into Reviews seeing as I'm a critic at heart, though you wouldn't guess it from my Newgrounds reviews numbers. I have the script for my new show Lodgers that I really wanna do, but this is the year of Sonic and I want to do something Sonic related.
The 20th Anniversary of Sonic is here and I wanna freakin celebrate it. So what do you say I take you back into my childhood experience of Sonic the hedgehog by doing a Master Review of every Sonic game I own right from our Megadrive (Genesis if your from the US) days right up to the dark age of Sonic and end with the release of Sonic Generations. That I have already played at The Summer Of Sonic. (Nah neh neh nah neh nah)
A project that will start with light hearted fun, You know the unentertaining kind, right up until the current Torturous video games that I will have a lot to bitch and moan about....
You know the entertaining stuff.
It's a field I have always wanted to break into and now just feels like the right time.