View Profile Milanous
Hi I'm Adam. Part time Film Maker, Full Time Anime Lover.

Age 36, Male


Northampton University

Northampton England

Joined on 3/4/08

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Milanous's News

Posted by Milanous - May 13th, 2013

Hello Sonic fans. Well Spring has finally arrived here in England and a new season means a new start so with a lot of things off my plate I have decided to return to my roots and begin production on Age Of The Brotherhood part 3.

First of all i think it's time to remind everyone what my series is. Spread the word and help promote the next part.
I thought interest was dying so imagine my surprise when i found both Age part 1 and 2 on youtube and with a view count of over 30 000 each.

Many alpha scenes are already completed and the script is finished. So what can we expect in this next part without spoiling much of the plot. Well I want to try something a bit grander this time around. Many peoples complaint is that what they see in this regional war between man and machine is that it feels empty, "A war without consequence" so to speak. Acknowledged, time is come to expand and show more of the effects of the war.

We're going in hard for the next part and hopefully we can top part 2.

Posted by Milanous - September 26th, 2012

Well everyone. What could top my announcement of my Ellen Mclain interview.... Nothing that's stillt he best thing ever!!!!

But I have a new announcement which i thought would never happen and that is I have to announce the new assistant co-writer and supervising producer to my Sonic Sprite Flash Series.

The author Of The Dawning Of Darkness series; Shadefalcon.

Shade is one of the inspirations of many people and his dark toned story often sets the bar in which people seem to strive for with what they can do with sprites. We spoke and decided we would try to work together in order to bring the best this story possibly can.
Shade has been awesome, he has been there to bounce ideas off of, he'll tell me what he thinks works, what he thinks doesn't and in this specific time of "The Age Of The Brotherhood" where the Sonics story is going to reach it's darkest point, I think having him help out just feels right.

So it's good to have him on board I can not wait to see what we can do.

Posted by Milanous - June 4th, 2012

With my let's plays with ZBK coming up of the valve video games. I thought I need to go one step further.

So I am going to be doing an Interview, but who with I hear you shout. Well check out the video.

YES none other than renowned Opera Singer and Voice actress Ellen Mclain the voice of GLaDOS from Portal, The administrator of TF2. Yes the woman who helped popularise cakes in a whole new way.

I'll be asking questions from the fans, so if you have a question you'd like to ask, please leave a comment or message me and the 5 best will be chosen and read out in the interview.

don't forget to leave a comment and subscribe


Posted by Milanous - May 26th, 2012

Milanous makes his reviewing debut by taking a look back at the flawed but epic Elfen Lied. My first time be gentle, but please I would enjoy your feedback and own opinion on the series, so post a comment. Maybe even leave a suggestion on what to review next.

NOTE: My Condenser Microphone is packed away for the houses renovation so i had to use the one built into my Mac instead.

Posted by Milanous - March 11th, 2012

Well you may have heard that Capcom are dicks (big surprise huh) But now they have pulled there UK stock from Games Stores over the country due to trying to exploit a trade dispute between GAME and EA. Well basically now the game is pulled and it might as well be carved from Platinum, diamonds and the cross of Christ fro how hard it is to find int his country.

Well i got it somehow on ps3!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and I want to try my skills with it. So if anyone fancies a fight online please just message me.

Posted by Milanous - January 22nd, 2012

Finally after nearly 16 months of bugs, viruses changing my PC for a mac, updating my flash from 7 to CS5. Losing my data to a virus on my PC having to have the PC recover the files and finally University.

I have been a messy break up after a two year relationship, passed my entire first year of university, been to Florida twice, over 7 cons and even cleaned my room once, since I began work on this.

Finally after all that I can return to give you the next instalment of "Sonic: The Sprite Series" with Age Of The Brotherhood Part 2.

If you want to catch up you know where Rise and Age part 1 are so check em out.

Posted by Milanous - December 28th, 2011


Check it all out.

Posted by Milanous - August 26th, 2011

Well myself and my AniMates posse went to The Summer of Sonic and well it didn't go too smoothly. Hilarity ensued and everyone got very short tempered.
We got to play Sonic Generations, meet Mike Pollock who I have spoken to about doing a cameo in one of my upcoming projects. Hopefully in the near future I'll see what I can do, but lets not tempt fate at this time.

Posted by Milanous - July 13th, 2011

God I am pissed at this one. I was about to finish up the last of the flash and release it after Summer Of Sonic. Well guess what. My PC harddrive has officially crashed. I couldn't be more serious if i tried. How mad am I well take the anger I feel every time I see that poor kid open that Xbox box, to find out his sick fuck of a parents have punked him, potentially forever scarring him for there own twisted perverted humour, that goes against every parents maternal instincts, times that by 100 and you got my frustration for this.

The hard drive is messed up and I can't even record a Vlog to show you in person I have to go back to these stupid text updates! My PC is messed up, my backup is corrupted, the damage has not been verified. The potential for recovery not clarified. It's a mess. So all I can do is shod out the last of my dosh to get the files recovered.

If it isn't recovered I'll do everything I can to get my stuff together and do this. I will nto abandon the series. Scratch that I won't abandon you.

But how am I going to try and fill the time.

Well I got other projects in the works. I've always wanted to go into Reviews seeing as I'm a critic at heart, though you wouldn't guess it from my Newgrounds reviews numbers. I have the script for my new show Lodgers that I really wanna do, but this is the year of Sonic and I want to do something Sonic related.

The 20th Anniversary of Sonic is here and I wanna freakin celebrate it. So what do you say I take you back into my childhood experience of Sonic the hedgehog by doing a Master Review of every Sonic game I own right from our Megadrive (Genesis if your from the US) days right up to the dark age of Sonic and end with the release of Sonic Generations. That I have already played at The Summer Of Sonic. (Nah neh neh nah neh nah)

A project that will start with light hearted fun, You know the unentertaining kind, right up until the current Torturous video games that I will have a lot to bitch and moan about....
You know the entertaining stuff.

It's a field I have always wanted to break into and now just feels like the right time.

Posted by Milanous - June 11th, 2011

...I am going to need quite a few following things at least what I want for this

Up until now I have simply called my Sonic Sprite Series exactly that..."The Sonic Sprite Series" but there has never been an official name. Some call it "Sonic Origins" Some call it Sonic: The Brotherhood, due to Rise Of the Brotherhood being undoubtedly superior in terms of quality, but I have never had a name for my series and to be honest it's about time we gave it one. It may not be a very well kept secret that this started as a way to study Flash for my college course to get ahead of everyone, but after a few people started asking about a sequel I decided to continue and get a bit of a cult status. I'm not a name you can throw around yet like Shadefalcon or Alvin Earthworm yet but I hope to someday be one.

I digress I need a name so I am throwing it to the fans...that's right I am so fucking lazy I want you guys to do the work for me.

Seriously, you guy are what make the show and keep me wanting to make these things so I think its only fair that I have you guys come up with a name. Something catchy, something we can use. I am throwing it on the floor and seeing what you guys come up with.