View Profile Milanous
Hi I'm Adam. Part time Film Maker, Full Time Anime Lover.

Age 36, Male


Northampton University

Northampton England

Joined on 3/4/08

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Milanous's News

Posted by Milanous - May 1st, 2010

Hey everyone It's about time i released an official date for Age of the Brotherhood.
It's only seven Days away.
It's been a long six months but now i'm back and i hope i can pick up where i left off. Last time we got a daily second place this time i want to take first.

Taking place six months after Rise. Sonic has indeed formed the Freedom Fighters. Amy has found her way back to Sonic and the mysterious Nero is no where to be seen. The war is on between mobian and machine and the machines are winning. Unless Sonic does something to turn the tides it looks like The Brotherhood of Metallix will win.

Everyone is back save a new voice for Sonic.
Rina Chan, Viremaster, myself, Voicegirl.
Plus a special appearance by an established Sonic fanwork voice actor.

I'm psyched and I know whats coming!!!! I hope your all psyched.

I'll be sending out Messages to people who have faved me as an artist. Hope your all looking forward to it. WERE BACK!!!
And were kicking more ass than ever before.


Posted by Milanous - April 12th, 2010

I know, I know. Rina Chan down only Sonicking to get his lines to me. Then guess what it will be time how long has it been again. (Looks at ROTB part4 release date) Six months!!! BUGGER ME SIDEWAYS!!!!
Paitence is a virtue but i better start putting out flyers "Yes I am still here please keep watching this space" or something like that.
Anyway what can we expect....Whats different between Age and Rise....

Well i'll tell you, this is a war, not between Sonic and Machine but mobian and machine. It's not gonna be pretty the dark factor drop from Origins to Rise is about the same as the drop from Rise to Age. It will focus on what i always thought about Sonic, why would someone like him always keep running, never looking back. Course the rest of the cast returns again VoiceGirl returning as my sarcastic yet lovable incarnation of Tails, Rina will return as Amy (Are you happy now fanboys stop e-mailing me asking me if she's coming back) Vire as Eggman and of course i'll be returning as Metallix Prime. even BlazinGamer will have a guest appearance in the story somewhere down the line. (not forgotten about you BG don't think I have).

Finally we have a guest appearance won't say who from, only a few know. But hopefully it will evolve into a regular appearance.


Posted by Milanous - March 2nd, 2010

Well I have been working hard and Age of the Brotherhood is almost complete I have only to collect a few lines, add a few sounds and subtitles and a little clean up on a few scenes.

Until then I thought I'd give you a preview, with a few screenshots...Don't worry I've intentionally not included many spoilers.

Synopsis: Six months have passed since Rise of the Brotherhood and it's all out war between mobian and machine. The Eggman empire grows everyday as more and more cities fall. GUN and The Freedom Fighters are the only defense left against The Brotherhood.

[Authors note]
I wont keep it a secret I have had alot of distractions these past few months and getting this done has not been easy. I am involved in other projects now, guess Rise of the Brotherhood caught a few peoples attention. I'll try and get it done for the end of March beginning of April.

Age of the Brotherhood - Coming Soon (Preview)

Posted by Milanous - February 4th, 2010

/* */
Well I nearly shit my pants with excitement. I had to actually get on the microphone and vent. This video is the fruit of that rant. Enjoy.

Warning: Foul Language

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNs6DkE KSMI

UPDATE: Who among you would like to see me actually review The Sonic Games series, in a series of Videos, not like this, this will actually contain footage of the game as well as myself in live action?
Leave a comment or PM me.

Posted by Milanous - January 26th, 2010

Well 2010 has hit us and with a new year begins Age of the Brotherhood. I have actually made alot of progress and the script and fight sceens are completed. It wont take long now to get be ready.

In this new year I am proud to announce me and BlazinGamer have been talking and due to fan requests we have decided that starting from Age of th Brotherhood he will be stepping down as the voice of Sonic to be replaced by SonicKing. A Sonic fanatic voice actor with a talent for Sonic voices.

BlazingGamer has indeed agreed it is best and has even showed his excitement at the new talent.

"He's PERFECT! He'll be a great addition to the team and as Sonic!" ~BlazingGamer

It is no secret alot of people didn't like BlazingGamer as Sonic. But BlazingGamer was there at the beginning. He was there when all it was, was a nothing sprite series with no awards to it's name and in the name of humbleness it still is, but it has won two trophies. So I'd like to thank him as the voice of Sonic. Thank you BlazingGamer.


Posted by Milanous - December 29th, 2009

Well were on the cusp of a new decade and truth be told it has been an amazing year. For the history records and myself personally. I have had the greatest time of my life and it's only beginning incase you thought this was some kind of goodbye. I am still working on Age of the Brotherhood. Below was a picture i took before christmas but i didn't post it till now because well i thought;

"be crude, rude and foul mouthed. Christmas is for Family, not for some punk Limey Brit nobody with a medicore flash series about a blue coloured rodent"

Nope this is merely a letter of thanks for everyone. A time of reflection.

It's been a long year. Historical and personally one of my favourite years. Between flash making and deleting your fan mail while laughing like Kira, I got through College and came out alright. Studied British Sign Language and started dating one fo the most hottest, sweetest and nicest otaku girls ever!!!

I would like to thank Katie, Vire, Rina, Worm, BG the list goes on....

So many have helped me and so many WILL help me.

So from me to everyone

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

See you all in 2010.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From Milanous

Posted by Milanous - December 25th, 2009

Awwwwww Come on, guys!!!! What the fuck are you guys doing here IT'S CHRISTMAS Haven't you guys got presents to open?! Close the Browser and fuck off to your families.....I'm serious go on!!!!!

Oh and
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Kwanzaa
Have a nice day (If your an atheist)

and Fuck off "Happy Holidays"


Posted by Milanous - December 13th, 2009


I'm back and I am ready to take the next story even further. Last time it was south island fighting for the right to live. Now with Age of the Brotherhood The whole of planet mobious is at war with Dr. Eggman. Whats worse Eggman is winning and the planets defenses GUN and The Freedom Fighters seem to be losing. Also Sonic will encounter what appears to be another survivor of the war on South Island.

I can confirm Amy is Alive! Nero pulled her out at the last second although how will remain a mystery for awhile. Plus he could only save one. So Ashura was not saved.
I know how much you enjoyed Tails and Amys dialog so I think I am going to increase there screen time together. Makes a good combo if a bit cliche.

List fo the VA's confirmed to return so far
Milanous - of course

Age of the Brotherhood is coming.

Posted by Milanous - December 7th, 2009

Well this is a bit different. I got not one role but practically all of them. I applied for the part of the director and after awhile I saw the flash and i ended up playing all the roles, yes i even provided the sounds for the dog.
Big thanks to John Lorique who animated this, I hope to work with him again.

Go check it out


Posted by Milanous - November 8th, 2009

Age of the Brotherhood
Hello fans of the series this is your chance to be a part of my team because parts have just opened up for the new story Age of the Brotherhood. Small parts like General of the infantry who doesn't get on well with Sonic. Dantalion Nero's abnoxious and egotistical best friend.

Jake - Hard soldiered Fox who gets locks words with Tails (The name was taken from one of my favourite Sprite comics guess it and you win my respect)

Dantalion - Self absorbed best friend of Nero.

General Masters - Leader Of GUN

Commander Lockhart - Female Commander of GUN

Transformers parody
Yep i am doing a parody of transformers basically abridging the series but i wont be calling it abridged because everyone does these days they think stick arbidged on the title and all the fans will crap there pants. Plus being a fan of the famous abridged series i don't feel worthy

Anyway lots of roles open but the one i need the most is the most important and needs to be done right.
Optimus Prime

I can't do his voice i don't know anyone who can. Originally i thought about asking the guy from Kirbophers parody but took one look at who that was and realised hell could freeze over twice before I get him to do it.